Frequently asked questions
Bunge is headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri. Our address is 1391 Timberlake Manor Parkway. Chesterfield, MO 63017.
Bunge became a public company in 2001.
Bunge is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol BG.
Shares of Bunge stock can be purchased through a licensed broker.
Computershare is Bunge’s transfer agent.
Shareholder online inquiries:
P.O. Box 43006 Providence RI 02940-3006
Courier Delivery:
150 Royall St., Suite 101 Canton, MA 02021
Toll Free: 800 851 9677
International: +1 (201) 680 6578
You can find Bunge’s quarterly information by visiting the quarterly results page.
For information on events and presentations, visit the events and presentations page.
You can sign up for email alerts by visiting the email alerts page.
You can get Bunge dividend information by visiting dividend history page.
You can receive Bunge’s annual reports by visiting the annual reports page.
You can learn about Bunge’s corporate governance by visiting the governance page.
You can view Bunge’s Board of Directors and their bios by visiting the board of directors page.